British Paradise Islands Wikia

A doe party is a girls-only recreational event hosted and attended by teenagers in the British Paradise Islands, as featured in the Two Paradises fiction/fantasy realm devised by author Jonnie Comet.

Sometimes known as a doe ding, the name is pronounced as in the opposite of 'stag party', to indicate that only unescorted females are welcome. As a vestige of the social conventions of past generations, invitations are often sent out in handwritten form, or at least with some lead time prior to the evening of the event. Usually a menu of dishes to be prepared or contributed is provided in advance and a dress code prescribed, which may stipulate some kind of fancy-dress costume, swimwear or private attire. Guests may dress down upon arrival or to observe the start of some activity. Often the party will last all night, as a form of sleepover. Entertainment may include playing music recordings, dancing, serving and consuming snacks, storytelling, friendly competition and other innocuous activities.

Origins of the practice, especially as done somewhat pretentiously in Paradise, are not clear but may include tea parties as an institution in England and in America.

Playing Blind Freddie is a common activity at Paradisian doe dings, often including some amusing and risque elements.

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